getting ready for the holidays

I’ve been getting in the holiday mood by drawing wreaths and decorating the house. Here are a couple of my wreaths.

Holiday Wreaths

I’ve also been making my own gift tags.


Here is a picture of our hearth. We didn’t do a tree this year. I love my reindeer, gifted to us by our son-in-law a couple years ago.


What have you been up to this week?


happy valley happenings

Holidays are rapidly approaching and family is coming to stay. We got a tree and it’s up. Post to come next week.

I’ve also been creating a photo booth with wings for holiday pictures. This drawing is on a chalkboard on our kitchen wall it’s about 5 feet high. I love the board and change it up all the time. The kids love it too.


It’s also been raining here in Santa Cruz. We’ve been in a two year drought so this is GREAT news. Here are some pics from the orchard and the woods.




Have a great week!
